Every day more and more people are switching over to a plant based diet. There are a number of different reasons why, but all of these people have one dilemma in common - How will I get enough protein in my diet? A lot of people will tell you things like nuts and seeds have protein in them, but you would probably wear out your jaw chewing all day to get enough of it, not to mention all the fat you would be eating to get yourself there. So what to do?
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If it were up to our kids, they would eat peanut butter and jelly, McDonald's, and candy every second of every day. Actually, they probably wouldn't even eat meals, they would just snack on junk all day long. They want chips and cookies and sugary drinks and ice cream. Part of me gets it, but most of me knows I have to teach them to eat healthy every day.
Every night during the week we eat plant based meals in our house and our kids eat them too. I refuse to make separate meals for everyone. So how do we get our kids to eat LOTS of vegetables every night you ask? Possibly with torture tactics? Hahahaha! You'd think we'd have to but no! We finally decided to start thinking like kids (it wasn't too difficult for us) and we get them to eat healthy dinners every night. Let's be real, some nights are easier than others. Here are our tricks that the kids fall for most nights. We're going to save the best for last. Today the word organic is all around us. But what does it really mean? We usually see the Certified Organic USDA label in our grocery stores, but few of us know the details of what makes an agricultural product Certified Organic. What exactly are they doing, or not doing to our food in order to get that seal printed on the label? Just about everyone knows that organic food is more expensive, but why? And more importantly - is it even worth it? Our final conclusion might surprise you.
Growing Ambition BlogWe'll cover a number of topics here from environmental issues to plant based recipes and everything in-between Archives
March 2020